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MySpace Activity Streams
MySpace made available their activity streams api on February 25th, 2009 to a group of small partners. Yahoo! was their first partner going live on March 3rd, 2009.
On March 25th, 2009 MySpace opened up the activity stream to all developers. To consume the stream you can use a MySpaceID or Opensocial app. Details at http://developer.myspace.com and documentation at: http://developerwiki.myspace.com/index.php?title=Standards_for_Activity_Streams
SDKs are at: http://code.google.com/search/#q=myspaceid
MySpace uses 2 different namespace for verbs and object types which have not been approved yet as shown below.
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Draft specs: Activities in Atom; Activity Schema; Atom Media.
Experimental specs: API, Schema, Atom, JSON
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