

Page history last edited by Chris Messina 14 years, 11 months ago

So far, there have been three general implementation scenarios discussed on the Activity Streams email list.  For each of these scenarios, there is a "publisher" of Activity Streams data and a "consumer" of Activity Streams data. 

With each scenario description below is a listing of implementors.  If you want to list another implementor, please follow the instructions on the process pwiki page.

1. Publishes an ActivityStreams-formatted feed (HTTP GET)

In this scenario, the publisher emits a feed in ActivityStreams format and the consumer reads the feed (sometimes called "polling").

A "conversation" in this scenario might look like:

Consumer: What activities has John done on your site?

Publisher: John posted status today and posted photos yesterday (data is in Activity Streams format)

Publishers (alpha, linked* to ASms wiki page) Consumers (alpha, linked* to ASms wiki page)





Adobe Wave

AOL Livestream


Community Equity


Gnip -- In Progress

Google - Real Time Status Updates

Groovy Corp

People Browsr

Topsy -- In Progress


Windows Live

Yahoo Front Page

End-to-end implementations:

Publisher (linked* to ASms wiki page) Consumer (linked* to ASms wiki page) End-to-end Implementation
Cliqset Community Equity Community Equity site connect
Facebook Community Equity Community Equity site connect
Facebook Windows Live Facebook web activity on Windows Live
MySpace TweetDeck TweetDeck desktop client
MySpace Windows Live MySpace web activity on Windows Live
MySpace AOL Livestream In progress:
MySpace Digsby
MySpace Adobe Wave
MySpace Collecta
MySoacew Gnip In progress
MySpace Groovy Corp
MySpace Google Real Time In progress
MySpace People Browsr In progress
MySpace Topsy In progress
MySpace Yahoo Front Page

2. Push-based publishing of activities (HTTP POST)

In this scenario, a publisher pushes Activity Streams data to a consumer and the consumer recieves the data:

A "conversation" in this scenario might look like:

Publisher: John posted a new blog entry (data is in Activity Streams format)

Consumer: Got it, thanks.  (The consumer might just reply with an affirmative response or might reply with how it understands the data (in Activity Streams format) )

Publishers (alpha, linked* to ASms wiki page) Consumers (alpha, linked* to ASms wiki page)



3. Real-time activity stream

In this scenario, a publisher emits a stream of data in ActivityStreams format and a consumer reads this via a persistent connection.  In some cases, the consumer may periodically call back to the publisher to adjust subscription parameters for the stream.

A "conversation" in this scenario might look like:

Consumer: Tell me about all public activities on your service for users near Chicago, IL, USA

Publisher: John posted a blog entry at 9:57am (in Activity Streams format)

Publisher: Martha shared a video at 9:58am (In Activity streams format)

Publisher: John posted a bookmark at 10:00am (In Activity Streams format)


Publishers (alpha, linked* to ASms wiki page) Consumers (alpha, linked* to ASms wiki page)



* Links are to the "<service-name>-Activity-Streams" wiki pages on . Please maintain this consistency.

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