

Page history last edited by Rob Dolin 14 years, 11 months ago


The "folder" object type represents a collection of files similarly to how the "photo album" object type represents a collection of "photos."

The object type URL for the "folder" object type is

The folder object type has the following properties:

(MUST) title
The title or short caption assigned to the folder by the author. Included as the content of the atom:title element.
(MAY) thumbnail
The URL and metadata for a preview image for the folder. The URL is represented as the value of the href attribute on an atom:link element with rel preview and a type of either image/jpeg, image/png or image/gif. Publishers SHOULD include media:width and media:height attributes on the atom:link element describing the dimensions of the linked image. Processors MAY ignore thumbnails that are of an inappropriate size for their user interface.
(SHOULD) folder page URL
The URL of a web page where the folder can be viewed. Represented as the value of the href attribute on an atom:link element with a rel value of alternate and a type value of text/html.

The most common verbs used in conjunction with a folder are likely to be Post (uploading a new file to a folder) and Save (saving an existing file to a folder)



John Smith posted PageViews.xlsx to January 2010 Metrics

Jane Doe saved PartyInvitation.pdf to Vegas Weekend


A folder is most often an <activity:target> where there are one or more File <activity:object>'s

If a file is nested in multiple folders (ex: c:\foo\bar\baz\file.ext), the folder furthest down in the heirarchy should be used (ex: baz)



Potential implementors could include GoogleDocs,, Windows Live SkyDrive, and other file sharing services.


This page was initially created by Rob Dolin.  Others are welcome and encourage to contribute and add-on as maintainers.

Comments (3)

Monica Wilkinson said

at 10:39 pm on Mar 3, 2010

in the example Wouldn't the verb be "save" ?

Monica Wilkinson said

at 10:39 pm on Mar 3, 2010

always ?

Rob Dolin said

at 9:59 am on Mar 4, 2010

I think verb choice (post vs. save) depends on the implementer. The common case I was thinking of would use the "post" verb for the initial create/upload and the "save" verb for subsequent saves of the document.

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