ActivityStreams Implementors' Meetup
- Chris Messina
- Martin Atkins
- Monica Keller
- Will Norris
- Rob Dolin
- Beau Lebens
- Dave Recordon
- Kevin Marks
- Tantek Çelik
7pm - 3am, March 3, 2010, Six Apart, San Francisco
- Using PoCo in ATOM and RSS... Profile of PoCo in ATOM/RSS for use in <atom:author> and make use of <person> object {@wnorris}
- use <atom:name> rather than <title> in <atom:author>...
- the <object> model will still use <title> --> takeaway: author will be different than the object model
- ATOM URI vs link-rel -> use link-rel
- atom:uri is only used for <author> which seems like a weird mistake; therefore we shall only use link rel-alternate instead of atom:uri
- need consistency in treatment of object and author...
- <activity:subject> is the same as feed level <author>; remove from spec and simply reference <feed:author> in Atom spec...
- What should we call the rel value for avatars?
- rel-icon
- rel-avatar
- rel-profilephoto
- rel-image
- decided: use REL-PHOTO
- How should we credit sources?
- decided: use a <generator> element in each entry... no need for service:provider
- Dealing with location
- use cases: where did the activity take place, place as object, where is the author, object...
- decided: activity-level location is the only place to get the location of WHERE an activity took place
- decided: location at the object level MUST NOT be copied to the activity level
- location can be provided for author, object, activity
- Todo: monica to update spec regarding location
- Todo: mart to move RSS to appendix
- Todo: Monica to add optional Rating attribute to Review (look to hReview)
- Todo: For citing contributions we'll thank members of the Google Group and contributors to the wiki
Action Items
- Will Norris to present rewording of activity stream main spec
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